Sunday, August 8, 2010

It's Been Too Long

And why? Because I've been buried at The River Grille on the Tomoka where I've been working as the Executive Chef for the last 16 months. I've also been buried in the process of buying a house and working to maintain and improve it. But mostly I've been buried by the work at The River Grille and still trying to be a good Daddy. Life is good. Difficult and trying at times, but very good.

My work life will be changing here in the near future. My aim is to have more time to be The Daddy. Tori keeps telling me that's the only place I'm irreplaceable. And I know it. As part of those changes I'm becoming an online writer for the Examiner, with As soon as I have my home page and my first article is approved, I'll provide a link here so you can check it out. I'm considered a "citizen journalist" with the site and pay will be per contract specifications, which includes quality of page views. What does that mean? The more you visit and the longer you stay, the better my pay! No pressure, of course. I'll write interesting articles, so it'll be easy to stay and read for a while. The hard part will be tearing yourself away!

One way you can help, since I know you want to, is share my home page (the Examiner one which will be here in the near future) in your blog, on your Facebook page, via Twitter, StumblUpon, or any other social networking medium, for that matter. I will appreciate the plugs, for sure!

I will do better about updating here as well. This is where I'll still get personal and share my experiences as a Chef and with food. I have a lot to share about the last 16 months, which will come soon. The Examiner writing, as per requirements outlined with the site, must be objective. Specifically that means I cannot write in first person. I'll still write in first person here, though.

See you soon.
Eat Well,


Tori said...

YEAY!!! ^_^ Look forward to reading you everywhere. ;)

vicki said...

You know you have a fan and supporter here! Glad you posted on fb so i could know you are doing this. I'll do all I can to send people to read you.
love, mom

Fun with food