Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It's been a while....

My oh my. Has it really been that long? I guess it has. Well some updates for you and as always a bit of random food for thought, so to speak.
As many of you may or may not know, I have recently started a new job. I still maintain my previous job as line cook/sushi chef. I've just added another restaurant to my list of employers. I am currently working breakfast and lunch 3 days a week as well as 2 nights a week at a traditional Italian themed restaurant. I can't say enough good things about the place, the chef there is great and I really have a lot to learn from him.
My family life has of course changed. Our new baby is growing day by day and it is simply amazing to watch it all over again.

First a bit of household history and then some food thoughts for you.

Allright, our oven started going kaput about 2 years ago. About a month ago we had it replaced. After our handyman installed the new one for us we discovered that the new oven doesn't work at all. So we went from and inaccurate oven to a completely useless one. The stove range however works extremely well and we've made due, and we currently are waiting to see what the handyman will do to remedy the situation.

Now, for the food thoughts.

Let's make a New Years resolution together. Let's start looking at our food in different ways. More specifically, our ingredients. Lets start using them in ways that we haven't before. That's not to say that the old ways are always bad or worn out, just that we need to start having more fun with our food.
Now, I'd like to think that most people would be really upset if their oven went belly up. Would you. Here in my household, we just took it with a grain of salt and have made due, and I for one have enjoyed the outcome. We're using our ingredients in different ways and coming up with surprising results.

Had enough yet? Well, just bear with me and I'll be done soon.
If you look back over my previous posts you'll notice I love lists. So, I'll start the New Year off for you with a list! This one is a bit different though. In this list I'm gonna give you a list of foods and ideas of what to do with them. Please try them out, some of them may suprise you quite a bit. So without further ado, the List.

Creme Brule; Make this one without using an oven!
Cupcakes; Bake as normal, puree them, than add them to something!
Romaine lettuce; Add it to a sauce
Parsley; Make a soup out of it, this stuff has lots of flavor, it's not just a garnish,
Salt; Use it as a main ingredient in a dessert
Bannanas; Soup!
Lime; Salad!
Barbeque sauce; Bread!
Cocoa Powder; Chili or Barbeque Rub
Breakfast Sausage; Dinner Casserole
Tofu; Milkshakes
Crispy Bacon; Brownies
Eggplant; Raw food preparation, in otherwords, don't cook it!

Allright. I hope this gets you started. It's already got me thinking. Please do try some of these ideas and leave me comments, good or bad. I'm very open to criticism, most of you know that.

That's it for now folks. Happy New Year!
Eat Well,

1 comment:

Tori said...

I don't know that I'll get a chance to try it, but the salt as dessert sounds really enticing... right now.

Fun with food