Sunday, November 9, 2008

Baby Foods

As many of you know, or don't know for that matter. We have a new arrival in our family. I am now the proud father of (count em) 3 girls. Our youngest was born on Saturday, October 26th at 10:36 p.m. She weighed in at a whopping 10 pounds 4 ounces. Just to put it into perspective, that's more than 2 bags of sugar from the grocery store.
We had a wonderful home birth attended by our amazing midwife and her assistant. We welcome this new addition to our family with loving open arms and we are so grateful to be blessed with such a beautiful family.
Having had 2 weeks now to adjust to the new baby I've had time to think recently about food. Baby food in particular.
Now, when most people think of baby food, I'm sure the first thing that comes to mind are the little jars of mashed stuff. For me however, I think of delicious greens, pea tendrils, squash blossoms, sprouts of all kinds, and tons of other foods, in their baby form.
As a whole, our society doesn't really use these foods as much as I'd like to see. So, I'm just gonna ramble a bit for you and hope that you see something that peaks your interest, you go out and find the food, prepare it at home, and then post a great comment on this blog, and then everyone's happy!

Here we go...
Baby Carrots
Baby Arugula
Squash Bloosoms (sauted or stuffed, yummmmmm)
Pea Tendrils
Micro Greens
Eggs! Amazing egg art!
Tobiko (fish roe caviar)
Brussels Sprouts
Baby Brie
Baby Corn
Baby Spinach
Baby Iceburg Lettuce
Baby Tear-Drop Tomatoes
Baby Pattypan Squash

Allright, this is a short list, but I hope it gets your creative juices flowing. Try something new, have fun with it and share your stories on my comments.

Eat Well,


Our family said...

I've been wondering if you will share your recipes using food storage items... I would understand if you are trying to keep them more private so you can keep them attributed to you for a future cookbook or something... but I'm interested in them and know of at least 2 wards that would be too!

J.G. said...

Sure, maybe in a future blog I'll use that as a topic. I teach a class once a month at our ward on food storage cooking, so I'll share some of that on the blog, keep checking back for updates!


Fun with food